I’m Gil Zeimer, a freelance copywriter in San Francisco. Did you know:
- That I’ve been an advertising copywriter for 17 years at some of the largest agencies in San Francisco and in Dallas, then another 29 years as a freelance copywriter?
- That I have been nominated for over 20 major industry copywriting awards?
- That I introduced the Visa Debit Card Program to member banks while freelancing for Visa?
- That I introduced Wrinkle-Free Dockers and Loose-Fit Dockers to the retail trade via a sales video while freelancing for FCB San Francisco?
- That as a San Francisco freelance copywriter, I wrote the first successful direct response package for QuickBooks while freelancing for Intuit?
- That I wrote the package copy for Granny Goose’s Flavor Destinations chips, including Sweet Maui Onion and Laredo Mesquite BBQ?
- That I helped ad agencies win over $15 million in new business? These include:
– Safeway Stores while at Ketchum San Francisco
– Yamaha Snowmobiles while at Ketchum San Francisco
– Valley National Bank while at Bozell & Jabobs in Dallas for their Phoenix office
– Frontier Airlines while at The Bloom Agency in Dallas
– $6 million in additional Bank of America billings for Grey SF
– The Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel for Grey SF
– Avery Products while freelancing at Frankel & Company in San Francisco
– DHL while freelancing at Pickett Advertising in San Francisco
– The Discovery Channel School Catalog for Beacon & Fey in Baltimore
– Seven divisions of PricewaterhouseCoopers for Zeimer’s Advertising Shoppe
– That as an ad agency writer and a freelance San Francisco copywriter, I have written, directed and produced more than 1,500 radio commercials over my 45-year career for clients like KRON-TV NewsCenter 4, Lindsay Olives, Greyhound, Libby’s Pumpkin, Bank of America, Caesars Tahoe Resort & Casino, Sonus Hearing Centers, Farmers Direct, Hooked on Phonics, Foremost Foods, Bay Area Rapid Transit and Ring Central?
– That I have written over 500 TV commercial scripts as both a freelance copywriter in San Francisco and as a staff copywriter?
– That I have created more than 2,800 blogs across multiple industries?
– That I have written more than 110 scuba-related articles and blogs, plus over 170 newsletters?
– That I’m listing #1 on Google for “Senior Living Copywriter”?
– Or that I have been certified Bay Area Green Business for a decade?