Archive | Portfolio

Please review my Portfolio of ads. Web sites and content. Radio scripts. TV commercials. Data sheets. Direct response packages. PowerPoints. Promotional copy. White Papers. Packaging copy. And more. You’ll see why I’m “The One-Stop Copy Shoppe.”

Hooked on Phonics :: Radio Spot

A few years ago, I was asked to write a radio script and produce it for Hooked on Phonics, one of the world’s most popular reading tools for children. My own daughter was beginning to read at the time and I strongly believed in phonics being able to help young readers to read better. My […]

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PalmOne Fall 2004 Catalog

Palm wanted to create a catalog/magazine to promote its most recent SmartPhones, PDAs, handheld software and accessories. So I was hired to write this 24-page catalog for PalmOne in November 2004 to boost holiday sales. Palm printed 1,000,000 catalogs and sold advertising space to Palm-compatible software companies to offset the printing fees. Kuleana Design (formerly […]

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My Dive Buddy Wears Diapers

– By Gil Zeimer (This article first appeared in Dive Travel Magazine, Winter 1996) My dive buddy prefers warm water. So do I. Every evening around 8 p.m., we gather our gear, approach the dive site and take the plunge. Her dive conditions: Water temperature, 90 degrees; Depth, 6 inches; Bottom time, 30 minutes; Swells, […]

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BART Radio

Bridges Marketing Group of Walnut Creek asked me to write, direct and produce four :30 spots within a week in March 0f 2007. No problem. Below are the first two of commercials: “Yo Dude” and “Baseball.” Plus, a few years ago, I wrote and produced these two :30 radio spots for the agency’s tagline: “Fung […]

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