Architect Website Copywriting: Inspired Independence

II_500wJust completed the editing of this site’s copy for two architect friends of mine –– Carrie Shores and Josh Larson –– who are LEED Accredited Professionals and Certified Age-In-Place Specialists.

Like their Inspired Independence Single Family Homes, Inspired In-Law Cottages and Inspired Products, the site features what the web designer, Bradley Charbonneau of Likoma, calls “a lean, clean architecture dream: lots of white space and some strategically spaced images of well-design construction.

Furthermore, the home page states that their homes are: “They are beautiful, healthy living spaces where every family member can still maintain his or her privacy.”

So if you know anyone with a multi-generational family who is trying to live together, give Carrie and Josh a call in Oakland, CA at 510-725-9788. This could be a senior who is caring for a grandchild or adult parents looking after a older loved one.

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