Tag Archives | Blogging copywriter


Blog: Born On The Fourth Of July – Fireworks Story

I wrote this article a few years ago for Intuit Small Business Blog. Since it’s so topical this week, I’m showing an excerpt of it and a link to the actual article… The Fourth of July conjures up images of booming, skyrocketing, jaw-dropping fireworks displays that light up the night sky. If you’re lucky enough […]

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2011 Small Business New Year’s Resolutions

Here’s an article I wrote that went live today on blog.intuit.com: What’s your list of resolutions? As a freelance blogger and small business owner for over 15 years, here’s my list of top New Year’s Resolutions for small businesses — feel free to comment below:  #10 — Go green… #9 — Stop smoking… #8 — Lose weight: […]

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Linking to Blog Links

As a dedicated (some might call it “addicted”) blogger, one of the first things I learned was to add links to each article. This not only helps its search engine ranking, but it upholds the Golden Rule of reciprocal linking for blogs. “You link to me, I link to you…” that sort of thinking is […]

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