As a San Francisco copywriter, I presented this PDF today at BNI Embarcadero to provide an overview of my services across five industries and the best referrals within each one.

As a San Francisco copywriter, I presented this PDF today at BNI Embarcadero to provide an overview of my services across five industries and the best referrals within each one.
Have you heard of Junior Seau? He was a 20-year NFL player who committed suicide last year. Like many former athletes in physical sports like football, hockey and boxing, he was suffering from Post-Concussion Syndrome from numerous cranium-rattling hits during his long-time career. Junior didn’t suffer in vain. His death was the catalyst for his […]
As a freelance San Francisco copywriter, I’ve been so busy writing other clients’ projects over the past six months that I haven’t updated my own newsletter lately. So here’s what I’ve been working on since last fall: healthcare copywriting, financial copywriting, website copywriting, blog copywriting, radio/TV copywriting…
What’s New? Recycled Creativity A Recent Success Story Humor Is A Funny Thing Ads I Like Why I Love Referrals About Zeimer’s Advertising Shoppe What’s New? As a freelance San Francisco copywriter, here’s what I’ve been doing since my June 2011 newsletter: Freelance healthcare copywriting: Radio scripts and production for a lap-band clinic; revised copy […]
I wrote these Spring/Summer bi-annual newsletters for three upscale Life Care communities for people 55 and up through Sequoia Living: The Sequoias – San Francisco, The Sequoias – Portola Valley, and The Tamalpais – Marin County. Each newsletter contains five stories over six pages, including “Residents Are Using More Technology, More Often”, a resident profile, […]
Welcome Message What’s New? Recycled Creativity Humor Is A Funny Thing Why I Love Referrals Happy Holidays From Gil, Ellen & Sara About Zeimer’s Advertising Shoppe Welcome Message Hi there, One of my dogs squatted on a trail recently to pee and got stung by a bee. But isn’t that the type of year it’s […]
Healthcare Copywriting is an exciting field and I’ve written for a myriad of healthcare products and services. Below are more examples of my healthcare copywriting expertise: Portola Valley Health Center Brochure Copywriting As a freelance healthcare copywriter, I was asked to create a new brochure for The Sequoias — Portola Valley Health Center. People who […]
By Gil Zeimer, BNI Embarcadero Member, BNI Ambassador & Freelance Copywriter We had them at “Wilkommen.” From the moment Herr Richard Reinholdt started singing “Wilkommen”, the audience of 90 members, visitors, and guests on October 28th was enraptured. One visitor said, “I’m ready to drink the Kool-Aid now!” Our Visitor’s Day to celebrate BNI Embarcadero’s […]
I’ve been hired for email copywriting and newsletter copywriting for dozens and dozens of online and PDF publications over my staff and freelance copywriting career. Some were monthly, some were quarterly, some were even translated from Japanese to English, then rewritten and edited by me. Below are some my favorite email copywriting and e-newsletter examples. […]
Besides the radio spot I wrote for Hooked on Phonics that you can hear here, I also wrote a few very successful HTML email blasts for them to test with very targeted messages through QuestUs, a San Francisco interactive ad agency. The first was to save $50 with an exclusive online offer. Read the HTML […]