Author Archive | Gil

Healthcare Radio Copywriting

Lasik-1 :30 radio jingles: I wrote these spots for a client in the Midwest through an agency on the East Coast, which proves I don’t have to live in your town to write, direct and produce great radio copywriting for you: 1) Lasik-1 Jingle: Country Version” Lasik-1: Country.mp3 2) Lasik-1 Jingle: Rock Version” Lasik-1: Rock.mp3 […]

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Freelance Direct Marketing Financial Copywriting

Wells Fargo EquityLine Platinum Card Acquisition Letters For one of Wells Fargo’s design agencies (Damore Johann), I wrote a series of direct response letters to Equity Line Platinum Card owners with a promotional overlay from Home Depot. Download Wells Fargo EquityLine Platinum Card Acquisition Letters 3-Page PDF. For Wells Fargo, I also wrote a project […]

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Website Copywriting

For freelance San Francisco Website copywriting, I create the content for sites from as few as 5 to 120 pages or more, edit them with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content, and expand copy on existing sites. I also manage and coordinate the production schedule of most of the projects that I write as a San […]

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White Papers Copywriting

I’ve written copy for many White Papers for a variety of companies. Here are several examples of White Paper copywriting I created for VNU Global Media, a media buying firm. 1) Media Preferences of Digital Consumers A Survey of the VNU Digital Consumer Webpanel Download PDF. 2) Globalization Is A Trend, Not An End A […]

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ISP Postcards :: Brainstorm Networks

THE PROBLEM Brainstorm Networks, a South Bay Internet Service Provider now owned by RCN, called on me to write and manage a direct marketing campaign. But they didn’t know if they should mail letter packages, postcards or what. THE SOLUTION I branded them as “The Business-Only ISP,” then wrote a series of four postcards initially, […]

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Blogging Expertise

I’ve been a blogger for about three years now on and today, I reached critical mass. The article below if from the October 26, 2007 newsletter. Snap is a great Webtool that you can easily load to your site to show snapshots of any site you’re linking to with video audio, RSS and […]

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A Do Tank :: Squid Labs Brochure

A Do Tank :: Squid Labs Brochure

“Venture Technologists” is a new term for companies like Squid Labs that incubate technologies to drive high-growth opportunities. As a “Do Tank” rather than a Think Tank, they invent, they adapt, and they integrate emerging technologies into materials, components and systems for new and existing products. As venture technologists, they are committed to providing solutions […]

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Check Point Software :: Direct Response Copy

During 2006/2007, I wrote a variety of direct response projects for Check Point Software Technologies, an Israeli company with US headquarters in Redwood City, California. This company is a leader in securing the Internet with the worldwide enterprise firewall, personal firewall, data security and VPN markets. Here are some examples of their marketing toolkits, featuring […]

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Kosrae photo in SF Chronicle

Travel Magazine Articles

I love writing about travel. It started and continues with the 25+ published articles in newspapers, dive magazines and online media shown below. I’ve also been the Editor-in-Chief of the upscale travel, food, wine and shopping blog at, where I published nearly 1,500 articles… SF Chronicle Sunday Travel Section, September 13, 2009, Just Back […]

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Advertising Magazine Articles

The Diary Of An Unemployed Ad Man September 25 & October 2, 1989 by Gil Zeimer I was suddenly laid off from my staff job as a Vice President / Associate Creative Director at a San Francisco advertising agency after working in the business for 17 years. I then started keeping a diary of my […]

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PwC :: Sarbanes-Oxley Training Materials

PricewaterhouseCoopers wanted to train its regional U.S. managers on how to create the most effective Sarbanes-Oxley sales presentation for both its current and prospective clients. Since I was working as a Webmaster, project management and copywriting consultant with multiple practices of the company, including Internal Audit, Data Management, Government, Risk and Compliance, and Security & […]

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More Radio Commercials

As a San Francisco copywriter, I’ve written, directed and produced over 750 radio commercials for packaged goods, services and technology clients. Here are a few of the “as produced” MP3s for my favorite radio scripts for clients as diverse as these — you can listen to each of the :60 radio commercial MP3s here: — […]

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Software Direct Response Copy

I’ve written direct response packages, promotional postcards, self-mailers, conference announcement mailers, and HTML emails for a wide variety of software clients, including Oracle, Symantec (Norton), PalmOne, Intuit, and more. Here are samples of some of my favorites: 1) Intuit QuickBooks Software Direct Response Package — I’m proud to say that I introduced QuickBooks software to […]

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Treo 650 smartphone from PalmOne

Treo 650 smartphone from PalmOne

This was a direct response letter sent to owners of previous models of PalmOne’s Treo smartphones, asking them to upgrade to the newest model that had more bells and whistles than anything Palm had ever created. As a freelance copywriter, I was hired by Carat Interactive, a leading San Francisco ad agency, to wordsmith this […]

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Food Packaging Copy

Granny Goose was one of California’s oldest brands of snack foods. Based in Oakland, it was sold a few years ago to a company in Washington State after making great quality chips and pretzels for over 50 years. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still find some of their products around, like these Flavor Destinations […]

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Software Packaging Copy

Software package copy. Hardware package copy. Food packaging copy. If you have a new or existing product that needs copy, I’m the freelance copywriter who can write it for you. Below are some samples of a variety of clients for whom I’ve written package copy as a freelance writer, including Intel, Palladium Software, and Granny […]

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Email & Newsletter Copywriting

I’ve been hired for email copywriting and newsletter copywriting for dozens and dozens of online and PDF publications over my staff and freelance copywriting career. Some were monthly, some were quarterly, some were even translated from Japanese to English, then rewritten and edited by me. Below are some my favorite email copywriting and e-newsletter examples. […]

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