Archive | Blogging


Barcelona Walking Tours

I didn’t write, a travel website penned by my PR colleague and friend, Phil Siegel, and designed by the talented Manish Champsee. But I can highly recommend Phil’s Barcelona Walking Tours because he spent two full days with my family last year. Whether you’re gay or straight, he provides a fabulous tour of the […]

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From Writer to WordPress Article

This blog appeared originally on 2/7/11 on the Intuit Small Business Blog. Let’s say you’re a successful travel writer, but your exotic travel days have ended because you and your wife are raising two young boys. How would you go about changing gears? Bradley Charbonneau of Likoma, in San Francisco, went from writer to webmaster, […]

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Blog: Born On The Fourth Of July – Fireworks Story

I wrote this article a few years ago for Intuit Small Business Blog. Since it’s so topical this week, I’m showing an excerpt of it and a link to the actual article… The Fourth of July conjures up images of booming, skyrocketing, jaw-dropping fireworks displays that light up the night sky. If you’re lucky enough […]

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Travel Writing Discussion for Marin Scuba Club

Zeimer marin scuba_may15 from Zeimer’s Advertising Shoppe I was the featured speaker last night at Saylor’s Restaurant in Sausalito for a Marin Scuba Club presentation on travel writing. I discussed some of the hundreds of articles I’ve written for dive magazines and travel blogs — and told the stories of my inspiration for each article. […]

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eBook: Get on Google’s 1st Page

I’m very pleased to have edited my first eBook. “How To Get on Google’s First Page Fast” was written by my colleague, Vitold Chrzanowski, founder of, a top-notch Online Marketing company that specializes in engineering and building Google Local Search Listings now referred to as Google +Local Listings in conjunction with optimizing YouTube videos. […]

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GeniusRocket Interview: Creative Writer

eniusRocket is a creative video agency in the Washington, DC area that hires freelance copywriters like me to produce concepts for their TV and radio client’s campaigns. I’m proud to announce my interview with their “Creative In The Spotlight” blog that went live today. Have a read… The mission of Creative In the Spotlight is […]

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Freelance Blog Writing

If you’re looking for a freelance blog writer, I have extremely extensive experience over the past 10  years across a wide variety of industries. In fact, I’ve now written over 2,000 blogs. For example, for Financial Services, I’ve created freelance blog copywriting articles for: Experian during their Vision 2012 Conference in May through the largest PR […]

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More Articles

I’m thrilled to say that I’ve now written over 50 articles for the Intuit Small Business Blog over the last three months. Here are the most recent posts that I’m proud of — please read and feel free to comment on that site: Money Identity Theft and How to Prevent It by Gil Zeimer on […]

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2011 Small Business New Year’s Resolutions

Here’s an article I wrote that went live today on What’s your list of resolutions? As a freelance blogger and small business owner for over 15 years, here’s my list of top New Year’s Resolutions for small businesses — feel free to comment below:  #10 — Go green… #9 — Stop smoking… #8 — Lose weight: […]

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'Twas The Night Before Networking

‘Twas The Night Before Networking

This poem and artwork were presented to BNI Embarcadero last week. It featured a collaboration with my colleague of I hope you enjoy it. Illustrated by Fritz Wall. Written by Gil Zeimer. Narrated by Steven Favreau. Apologies to Clement Clarke Moore. ‘Twas the night before networking when all through the bay, BNI Embarcadero members […]

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Intuit Small Business Blog

As an active networker, I’m always following on referrals. Here’s one that turned into ongoing projects. Lauren Deane Evans is an art director, friend and colleague. Her company is Good Looking Ideas and we’re both members of a networking group at BNI A few weeks ago, she told me that someone looking for writers […]

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Freelance Travel Copywriting Experience

Travel Copywriter I’m proud to have over 25 years of freelance travel copywriting expertise across a wide range of clients and periodicals. These include resorts in North America, top-rated airlines that cross the globe, one of the world’s most popular cruise lines, a leading watersports activities company, restaurants in Northern California, and adventure/scuba diving magazines […]

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Blogging Expertise

I’ve been a blogger for about three years now on and today, I reached critical mass. The article below if from the October 26, 2007 newsletter. Snap is a great Webtool that you can easily load to your site to show snapshots of any site you’re linking to with video audio, RSS and […]

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