Author Archive | Gil


Hypnotherapy Website Copywriting

  As a long-time healthcare copywriter, I recently had the opportunity to write a website for a client’s wife. She had an ad agency background like me, but is now using her creativity and training as a Clinical Hypnotherapist to help clients from both her office in downtown Charleston, South Carolina and by phone/Skype for […]

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RightClix Website Launch: Copywriting & Script Writing

I’m very pleased to have been part of an All-Star Marketing Makeover Team from BNI Embarcadero that helped Ray Simon fulfill his dream of launching a new company today. It’s called What’s RightClix? It’s a series of easy-to-follow videos that represent an easy way to set up and use Salesforce for your business. Ray […]

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Annual Report Copywriting: The Heritage San Francisco

As a healthcare copywriter, one of my favorite types of projects is an annual report. This recent “Highlights for 2012” was designed by my colleague Paschal Sabatella of Sabatella Creative Design and written by me for Heritage on the Marina, San Francisco, one of the city’s longest-serving retirement communities. This particular annual report featured copywriting […]

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Barcelona Walking Tours

I didn’t write, a travel website penned by my PR colleague and friend, Phil Siegel, and designed by the talented Manish Champsee. But I can highly recommend Phil’s Barcelona Walking Tours because he spent two full days with my family last year. Whether you’re gay or straight, he provides a fabulous tour of the […]

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From Writer to WordPress Article

This blog appeared originally on 2/7/11 on the Intuit Small Business Blog. Let’s say you’re a successful travel writer, but your exotic travel days have ended because you and your wife are raising two young boys. How would you go about changing gears? Bradley Charbonneau of Likoma, in San Francisco, went from writer to webmaster, […]

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Freelance Video Copywriting

I’m so busy doing freelance video copywriting video for a wide range of clients that I often forget to promote myself. But using a video template from my colleagues at Brandefy in Southern California is a simple, quick and very cost-effective way for anyone to create a great video. Fast. Have a look. And if […]

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Video Copywriting

As a video copywriter, this :60 spot combines an inexpensive life-action template with animation. The result is a flexible format that let me showcase a variety of projects that I write, as well as the industries I write them for, and the types of clients that I frequently work with. I’ve written dozens of scripts […]

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Blog: Born On The Fourth Of July – Fireworks Story

I wrote this article a few years ago for Intuit Small Business Blog. Since it’s so topical this week, I’m showing an excerpt of it and a link to the actual article… The Fourth of July conjures up images of booming, skyrocketing, jaw-dropping fireworks displays that light up the night sky. If you’re lucky enough […]

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Architect Website Copywriting: Inspired Independence

Just completed the editing of this site’s copy for two architect friends of mine –– Carrie Shores and Josh Larson –– who are LEED Accredited Professionals and Certified Age-In-Place Specialists. Like their Inspired Independence Single Family Homes, Inspired In-Law Cottages and Inspired Products, the site features what the web designer, Bradley Charbonneau of Likoma, calls […]

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Brochure Copywriting: First Security

This is hot off the presses… I just completed the brochure copywriting for an eight-page capabilities presentation for a security patrol and alarm company based in San Jose. First Security has almost a half-century of experience and over 1,000 clients. It provides comprehensive security solutions for residences, industrial complexes, businesses, school districts, government municipalities and […]

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B2B Postcard Copywriting

One of my best friends is Bart Saling, owner of Bridge to Bridge Technologies in San Rafael, CA. He promotes his business with promotional postcards like the two shown here and hired me to do the B2B postcard copywriting. Lauren Deane Evans of Good Looking Ideas was the art director and Marty Wall of Fritz […]

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Travel Writing Discussion for Marin Scuba Club

Zeimer marin scuba_may15 from Zeimer’s Advertising Shoppe I was the featured speaker last night at Saylor’s Restaurant in Sausalito for a Marin Scuba Club presentation on travel writing. I discussed some of the hundreds of articles I’ve written for dive magazines and travel blogs — and told the stories of my inspiration for each article. […]

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Email Copywriting for Webinars

Have you heard of Junior Seau? He was a 20-year NFL player who committed suicide last year. Like many former athletes in physical sports like football, hockey and boxing, he was suffering from Post-Concussion Syndrome from numerous cranium-rattling hits during his long-time career. Junior didn’t suffer in vain. His death was the catalyst for his […]

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TV News Interview

It’s been cold at night here in San Rafael. So cold that a local TV news crew was interviewing folks standing in line for a movie a few nights ago… and they shoved the microphone in my face. Have a look at this short video clip: Bay Area braces for cold temps — after the […]

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